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Forex / 2019 08 09
Euro/US$: 2019/1.10.... 2020/1.05
For those with Euro denominated portfolios it is important to monitor the long term trend of the Euro vs Dollar. The 200-day moving average indicates that the curve is flattening out at EU 1.10 to the $. This tells the story for the moment; however, we believe that on a 12 month horizon there is room for the Euro to deteriorate to 1.05 given the fact that Euroland has indicated that QA will continue. If the FED resists political pressure to reduce rates in the wake of the upcoming election in 2020, we can expect the strong Dollar to continue for the coming year. The fact that the FED resisted dropping rates further was - in our opinion - the right move. There is a long road to recover ahead after a decade of QA.
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Curacao / 2019 07 05
Refinery worries hits real estate
The fate of the refinery in Curacao remains the wild card on the horizon. At this point it is a coin toss. R/E prices are already down 20% due to the insecurity. We predict a additional 25% drop if the refinery shuts down and a slow 10% recover if it opens. Meanwhile uncertainty keeps investors are waiting on the side line not sure whether to dive in or not.
Refinery worries hits real estate
Curacao / 2019 07 05
The fate of the refinery in Curacao remains the wild card on the horizon. At this point it is a coin toss. We predict a 10% rise in real estate prices if the refinery stays open and 25% drop is it does not. Meanwhile uncertainty keeps investors are waiting on the side line not sure whether to dive in or not.

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Economic Affairs